404 Chestnut St, Roselle Park, NJ 07204 | (908) 245-2456 | Hours | My Account

Social Media Policy

Statement of Purpose

Roselle Park Veterans Memorial Library offers various social networking opportunities that are an extension to “traditional” library services. These social media outlets complement existing capabilities to achieve the library’s overall goal of connecting its community to information, education, and the recreation needs of the broader community. Roselle Park Veterans Memorial Library provides a safe environment to bring community users together.

Definition of Social Media

In its broadest definition for Roselle Park Veterans Memorial Library, social media is any web application, website, mobile application, web account or other future “e-delivery” capability/technology created and/or maintained by Roselle Park Veterans Memorial Library supporting the library social media purpose statement. Such social media platforms, include – but are not limited to – www.roselleparklibrary.org, public blogs/wiki’s, and social networking sites such as Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.

General Policy

Library Comments and Posting

  • The library does not collect and use personal information stored in any third-party social media site other than to communicate with users on that site unless permission is granted by users.
  • A staff member/staff members will be designated to monitor and maintain all library social media for appropriate content, structure, and updates on a daily basis. Final authority and ownership lies with the Library Director.
  • Any comment and posting shall not contain material that may be defined by a reasonable person as obscene or messages that are racist, exist, and/or promote illegal or unethical activity; or messages that:
      • violate the district’s affirmative action policy.
      • are personal in nature and not related to the business of the library
      • can be interpreted as provocative, flirtatious, or sexual in nature
      • contain confidential information to persons not authorized to receive that information

 Public comments and postings

  • All content will be reviewed by library staff for appropriateness according to the general policy.
  • As with any social media outlets, users are responsible for their own posts and comments
  • Although not specific to the library social media outlets, the library recommends against posting personal information to its social media platforms and is not responsible for the personal information patrons post about themselves
  • Library staff will remove any personal information, photos, or other media posted about persons under the age of 18 that are posted on the library social media platforms. An exception will be made for photos of library events posted by library staff where parental permission was obtained in writing and reviewed prior to the posting on the library social media platforms.


  • These are guidelines that Roselle Park Veterans Memorial Library have documented to supplement existing library policies (not a replacement of existing policies).
  • As technology and capabilities continue to change, Roselle Park Veterans Memorial Library will continue to update its Social Media Policy accordingly.

 Dated September 9, 2021