Statement of Purpose
Roselle Park Veterans Memorial Library offers various social networking opportunities that are an extension to “traditional” library services. These social media outlets complement existing capabilities to achieve the library’s overall goal of connecting its community to information, education, and the recreation needs of the broader community. Roselle Park Veterans Memorial Library provides a safe environment to bring community users together.
Definition of Social Media
In its broadest definition for Roselle Park Veterans Memorial Library, social media is any web application, website, mobile application, web account or other future “e-delivery” capability/technology created and/or maintained by Roselle Park Veterans Memorial Library supporting the library social media purpose statement. Such social media platforms, include – but are not limited to –, public blogs/wiki’s, and social networking sites such as Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.
General Policy
Library Comments and Posting
Public comments and postings
Dated September 9, 2021