In order to use Internet computer terminals at RPVML, users must have a current Roselle Park Veterans Memorial Library card. The card must be in good standing. There must be no fines or fees in excess of $4.99, no lost books, or other charges on the account. If there are, you will not have access to the Internet.
Notary services are available:
Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, & Fridays 10:00am-4:30pm
Tuesdays 1:00pm-7:30pm
Please call the Circulation Desk before arriving to ensure a notary is available.
Need help with technology? Due to high demand & Limited Staff, this service is provided to Roselle Park Residents & RPVML Library card holders Only. Please call the Circulation Desk to set up an appointment.
Passes are available for the below museums :