Eligible Computer Users
In order to use Internet computer terminals at RPVML, users must have a current Roselle Park Veterans Memorial Library card. The card must be in good standing. There must be no fines or fees in excess of $4.99, no lost books, or other charges on the account. If there are, you will not have access to the Internet.
For persons not eligible for a Roselle Park Veterans Memorial Library card, an Internet Only Library Card may be issued in some circumstances.
Guests and Visitors
Guest passes are available in the following circumstances only:
Non-residents not eligible for a free Roselle Park Veterans Memorial Library card may be eligible for an Internet Only Library Card that allows access to the Internet at the library. To get this card, each person must produce valid identification, and is subject to the same application requirements as residents who apply for library cards.
Use of Computer Workstations
There are time limits on computer use per day; the limit may vary according to level of demand. At each initial log-in, a user will be allowed 1 hour.
If you are accessing sound, you must use earbuds or headphones. Earbuds may be purchased at the Circulation Desk on the Main Floor.
As a rule, only one person will be allowed per computer. In some cases, such as a parent/guardian, or students collaborating on a class project, two persons may need to work/sit together at a single computer. In all instances, multiple users at one terminal may not disturb or infringe upon the space of other users.
All library computers are turned off when the library closes. RPVML is not responsible for any data lost at this or any other time.
It is recommended that children in grades 12 and under use only the computers in the Children’s Room.
Misuse of library computers may result in the suspension or loss of privilege. Misuse may consist of:
Use of Computer Workstations: Children
The Children’s Room computers may be used by children under the age of eighteen.
In the Children’s Room, all computers have not been configured to automatically provide filtered access to the Internet. Parents/Guardians are responsible for monitoring their child’s use of the Internet.
Children nine years of age and younger must be accompanied by a parent or guardian while using the library’s computers.
Use of Non-Internet Terminals
RPVML maintains one non-networked computers on the Lower Level among the other computers. This terminal is designated as our Card Catalog.
This terminal is available to persons without an RPVML library card.
Saving & Downloading
Users may save their work temporarily to the computer desktop. To do this, click on “Save” and when the dialog box opens, choose “Desktop” as the location to save your document. Please delete your work at the end of your session.
Users may also use their own USB flash drives or purchase one from the Circulation Desk on the Main Floor.
Users may not save their data or install their own software on the hard drives of the RPVML computers.
All printing is directed to the Printing Station on the Main Floor where you can choose single or double-sided, B&W or color, and the number of copies you wish to print.
Printouts are $.10 per B&W page or $.50 per color page. Double-sided documents count as 2 pages.
We encourage you to pay for printouts, earbuds, or USB drives at the Circulation Desk on the Main Floor or Lower Level.
Wireless printing is available at the Main Floor Circulation Desk.
Wireless Network
Free wireless Internet access is available at Roselle Park Veterans Memorial Library. Plugs and phone jacks are not necessary – just turn on your device, connect to “RPVM Library,” and open your Internet browser to proceed.
Direct Ethernet plug-in ports are not available at Roselle Park Veterans Memorial Library.
Charging Stations for portable devices are available throughout the library. If you plug your portable device in an undesignated location, your cord could be a tripping hazard and you will be asked to move.
Roselle Park Veterans Memorial Library is not responsible for any damage done to computer users’ disks, data, hardware or software by any virus that may have been contracted on or through the library equipment, nor as a result of the malfunctioning of RPVML hardware or software.
All users must read and accept the RPVML Technology Use Agreement which is a legally binding document.
Privacy cannot be guaranteed on the public access computers; therefore we do not recommend entering sensitive, personal, or financial information at any workstation.
A user will assume full responsibility for any charges incurred when accessing a fee-based service.
Computer users are liable for damage to equipment caused by inappropriate or unauthorized use.